Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Children's Book Review: Halfway Herbert by Francis Chan

Halfway Herbert is one of several children’s books written by Francis Chan best known as the author of Crazy Love. Chan uses the life of Herbert to illustrate the importance of being 100% committed to following Jesus.

Halfway perfectly describes Herbert who is a seven and a half year old little boy who does everything only halfway. His efforts fall short at home, at school, on the soccer field, and when playing. It is important to stress the effort is halfway not Herbert’s abilities. His father sits down with him and explains that God does not want only half our hearts, He desires our entire heart, Jesus doesn’t want us to love Him a little, He desires all of our love.

The father goes on to tell Herbert the parable of the man building the tower from Luke 14. This parable is in the context of the cost of following Jesus and the 100% commitment Christ expects of His followers.

Herbert recognizes his sinful disobedience and prays, asking for forgiveness and the Holy Spirit so he can know how to follow Jesus. God answers Herbert’s prayer and Herbert is transformed! He now tries to finish things and reads his Bible. He is not perfect but God’s Spirit helps him and he is happier than ever before.

Chan concludes with a letter to parents urging them to pray for their children and themselves. He points to the incredible faith our children can have and how we may pray to emulate them in some ways.

This book stays clear of the moralistic trap of obedience because of rules and makes it clear we are to be obedient out of our love for Christ. I highly recommend this book for those with preschool aged and early elementary children.

Title: Halfway Herbert
Author: Francis Chan
Illustrator: Matt Daniels
Publisher: David Cook
Ages: 4-8

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